Digital freedom

How much would it cost to make Bitcoin worthless?
7 mins
How banks or governments could wipe Bitcoin off the face of the planet
What if a wealthy group, like a government or bank, decided to make Bitcoin worthless? How would they do it? And how much would it cost?
Apple remove VPNs from App Store.
1 min
Apple removes VPN Apps from China App Store
BREAKING NEWS We received notification from Apple today, July 29, 2017, at roughly 04:00 GMT, that the ExpressVPN iOS app was removed from the China...
ExpressVPN and OpenMedia save the link tax.
2 mins
OpenMedia launch new Message-your-MEP tool to fight link tax
The central European Parliament committee responsible for examining the EU Commission’s new copyright legislation will be discussing proposed amendments to the law early next...
How to whistleblow anonymously.
5 mins
Whistleblowing guide: How to stay anonymous when blowing the whistle
** This is part two of ExpressVPN's whistleblowing guide. ** Part 1: Whistleblowing guide: Blowing the whistle is tough Part 3: Whistleblowing guide: How to protect...
How to blow the whistle safely.
3 mins
Whistleblowing guide: Blowing the whistle is tough
** This is part one of ExpressVPN's whistleblowing guide. ** Part 2: Whistleblowing guide: How to stay anonymous when blowing the whistle Part 3: Whistleblowing guide:...
How much of 1984 came true?
2 mins
Are we living in an Orwellian nightmare? Did 1984 predict real world surveillance?
George Orwell's 1984 is a fictionalized version of a then future-world where a totalitarian state scrutinizes all human actions through the ever-watching Big Brother....
ExpressVPN and OpenMedia logos.
4 mins
Get involved with OpenMedia’s campaigns to make the internet a better place
ExpressVPN is proud to stand with OpenMedia in its many projects aimed at protecting the internet. Founded in 2008, OpenMedia is a tireless campaigner for...
Say no the the EU link tax.
1 min
The EU want to tax Hyperlinks. Sign the Save the Link petition to stop...
The EU want to put a tax on internet links, which is absurd. OpenMedia is fighting back with their Save the Link campaign.
ExpressVPN's education directory quiz
1 min
Take our quiz: Cybersecurity heroes
How much do you know about the big hitters of internet freedom, privacy, and security? Take our quiz to find out!
Oscars 2017 nominees
3 mins
Get the red carpet treatment: Stream the 2017 Oscars Online with a VPN
La La Land, a generally inoffensive musical romp that dared to get produced in the era of Marvel franchises; Moonlight, a black gay man’s...

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