Digital freedom

Illustration of Edward Snowden.
4 mins
The Snowden Effect: 4 things we’ve learned since the privacy bubble exploded
Here's a recap of the major events that have happened since Snowden's revelations and a semi-dystopian look at what the future holds.
2 mins
How to use a VPN to watch Super Bowl 50
It’s the big one, folks! It’s so big, they had to switch to regular numbers instead of Roman numerals. The Denver Broncos are squaring off...
Lou Reed
11 mins
We worked out the exact day Lou Reed had a perfect day
We worked out the exact day Lou Reed sang about in 'Perfect Day'. Really, the actual date. Have a look if you don't believe us.
Sweden in the Matrix.
8 mins
Online privacy is why Sweden wins the internet
Sweden: The true Land of the Free. No country protects your privacy more than Sweden does. Here's how they do it.
The Kazakhstan flag, except with a padlock where the sun should be.
2 mins
How to stop the Kazakhstan government from intercepting your internet traffic
In mid 2019, internet users in Kazakhstan were issued with notices when they visited any HTTPS-encrypted websites, that warned them to install a mandatory...
CCTV camera aimed at a child wearing a mask.
8 mins
Nothing to hide? Speak for yourself.
Why the mantra "You've got nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide" negatively affects the future of humanity.
A dollar sign encircled by an arrow.
3 mins
Use a VPN and save up to 50% on car rentals. We tried it!
Your location makes a difference in what you pay for car rentals. We tried it out ourselves and found significant savings.
Elizabeth Tower. Which is where Big Ben is housed.
3 mins
UK’s new mass surveillance bill is the worst yet
Under the UK's new Investigatory Powers Bill, internet records of every user in the country will be kept for one year.
A shocked man adjusts his glasses. No doubt due to the amazing memes within this post.
3 mins
31 Internet safety memes everyone should see
We all use the Internet, but how smart are you when it comes to protecting your privacy? We've created 31 memes to help you...
Reverse shot of woman in business suit with arms outstretched, wearing boxing gloves.
3 mins
Fight the TPP with a VPN
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an international trade agreement five years in the making. Although the details around the agreement are secret, certain chapters,...

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